10/21 Drive-Up Diaper Distribution
Global Links and Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank, sponsored by UPMC and UPMC Health Plan, are hosting a Drive-Up Diaper Distribution.
Saturday, October 21, 2023 – Rain or shine!
2:00 – 4:00 PM
McKeesport Area Senior High School (1960 Eden Park Blvd, McKeesport, PA 15132)
For everyone’s safety, we CAN’T accommodate walk-ups. Contact Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank for how to get help if you don’t have a vehicle.
Families and caregivers of young children who are experiencing financial hardship are invited to line up by car (at no cost to the families) to receive:
A one-month supply of children’s diapers per household.
Option of choosing up to two different sizes of diapers, sizes 1-6 available, no newborn diapers or pull-ups available, and children do not need to be present.