Community Partners Program

Our Community Partners Program specializes in providing partner organizations with medical materials that are needed but not available to people due to gaps in insurance coverage, affordability of co-pays, or lack of coverage by other assistance programs. The program improves health outcomes by filling essential product gaps for human service agencies, so that they in turn may empower the people they serve to live with dignity, independence, mobility, and in good health.

To contact the program manager, email

Photo on the left is a young girl holding toothbrushes. The Photo on the right is of a man standing behind wheelchairs.
Photo Credit: JFCS Pittsburgh and Family House

Personal Care Kits Initiative

Made up of some of the most commonly requested products from our Community Partner organizations for the people they serve, these kits contain toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, soap, shampoo, deodorant and lotion. These products are key to general health, employability, personal dignity and well-being, and at the same time, they are NOT covered by SNAP benefits (food stamps) or other government assistance programs. Those who need food assistance almost always also need personal care and hygiene items.

If you are an agency that provides food to the people you serve, and you are interested in learning more about providing our kits, you can contact the program manager at

If you are interested in packing Personal Care Kits from home, please see information on how to volunteer here.

Home Medical Equipment Partnership

We are leading the effort to increase the rescue of surplus home medical equipment in our region so that our neighbors have more access to needed items, but which they might not be able to afford. Equipment can include walkers, shower benches, rollators and manual wheelchairs. 

Global Links is working in collaboration with Medical Equipment Recycling Program (MERP), located in northwestern PA and Chosen, located in Erie, so that these items are available to the people who need them. If you are an individual in need of an item, you can contact them directly.

If you are interested in donating no longer needed home medical items in good condition to Global Links, please visit our website at this link.